Top 5 Aqua Blogs!

Top 5 Aqua Blogs!

We wrote them and you loved them. Here’s a recap of the posts you shared, engaged, tweeted, liked, repurposed and gave us feedback on the most. So if you’ve been searching for updates about the container ecosystem, look no further, these are the top 5 Aqua blog posts.

1. A Brief History of Containers: From 1970s chroot to Docker 2016

Everyone loves a good trip down memory lane and for this specific one, we stepped into our DeLorean time machine, and journeyed from 1979, when the concept of containers first emerged, to the birth of Docker in 2013 and beyond, covering all the major milestones in between. To find out more about the history of virtualized containers, check out the original blog post here.

2. Injecting Secrets - Kubernetes, HashiCorp Vault and Aqua on Azure

One of the better features of the Aqua Security solution is the ability to inject secrets into the environment of a running container, so that they never get written to disk. This blog covers how to set up an Aqua installation on Azure, using Kubernetes as the orchestrator and HashiCorp Vault as the secrets store. Find the full step by step installation here.

3. Security Best Practices for Kubernetes Deployment

Kubernetes provides many controls that can greatly improve your application security. Configuring those controls requires intimate knowledge with Kubernetes and the deployment’s security requirements. The container lifecycle: build, ship and run are also the best practices specifically tailored to Kubernetes deployments. If you want to implement the best practices we recommend and use Kubernetes flexible configuration capabilities, you can get them here.

4. Managing Secrets in Docker Containers

Secrets management is a particularly thorny issue for many of our customers who noted it seemed to lack an elegant, cross-platform solution for container environments. Though it is not a new issue in the enterprise space, especially as pertains to large-scale DevOps environments, the challenges of managing secrets become amplified in container environments. If you’re looking for more information on proven ways of managing secrets in Docker containers and how Aqua’s solution can help, look no further than this blog post.

5. Container Events Not to be Missed in 2017

Given the fact that container space is still in its infancy, there still aren’t that many events that focus solely on containers, but containers will gradually grab their own piece of general events around cloud and virtualization - such as VMWorld, Cloud Expo and even Microsoft Ignite. Having that in mind, we’ve compiled a list of container events you don’t want to miss in 2017.

It goes without saying that you can continue to expect regular updates from us about everything container related; tips, issues and news.

Rani Osnat

Rani is the SVP of Strategy at Aqua. Rani has worked in enterprise software companies more than 25 years, spanning project management, product management and marketing, including a decade as VP of marketing for innovative startups in the cyber-security and cloud arenas. Previously Rani was also a management consultant in the London office of Booz & Co. He holds an MBA from INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France. Rani is an avid wine geek, and a slightly less avid painter and electronic music composer.